Forget rising ticket prices, where have all the showtimes gone?

With the economy the way it is, everyone has been feeling the pinch. For the average consumer, and business owner alike, this means cutting costs and doing whatever they can to make an extra buck. If you’ve been to the movies any time in the last year, you’ve probably noticed a pretty drastic rise in the cost of a movie ticket. While this has had many people up in arms, I’ve caught on to an even worse trend. Theater owners everywhere have been cutting back on their operating hours and even dropping all of their morning showtimes...

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How this trend in video game films could actually improve future video gmes and future films based on them

Lets face it, the film industry is sort of hurting right now. They’re desperately searching for anything with a preestablished audience to turn into a crap film that millions of people are going to see regardless of it’s quality. They’re doing it with novels, older movies, comic books, and even video games. Now history has taught us that video games make really bad films (i.e. the Street Fighters, Mortal Kombats, Super Mario Brothers, Double Dragon, Resident Evil, Doom, etc). Recently, however, we’ve begun to hear of some video game to film adaptations that actually stand a chance of being decent (if not brilliant) films. If these films continue to crop up and do well at the box office, we could actually see an improvement in the quality of video games in general as companies shoot for film adaptations...

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Spoilers vs. Familiarity

If you’ve ever been excited about a film, only to have major plot elements ruined for you by some jerk, then you know that spoilers are one of the worst things you can possibly experience as a filmgoer. While a film may be worth repeat viewings, you’ll never be able to recreate that first time experience. Lately, however, I’ve been finding that my favorite filmgoing experiences are for films that I already have an intimate familiarity with.

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A good 'bad film' vs. a bad 'good film'

Judging film can be quite difficult. If I’m just watching casually, each viewing can be an isolated experience and I can love or hate it in it’s own right. However, being a host of a film enthusiast podcast, I feel more of an obligation to justify every opinion I have and judge each film within the context of every film that I’ve seen before it. I mean, I really struggle with the fact that I enjoyed Push and Crank High Voltage, but thought Seven Pounds was a terrible film. The more I think about it, the more I feel that there really is a difference between a good ‘bad film’ and a bad ‘good film’.

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